Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thanksgiving in Cinquain

My PerPoTues poem for November...

Family squabbles
Eating until stuffed
Maybe we're the turkeys

Photo by me. (Yes, the turkey has survived several Thanksgivings and is living quite happily on a farm where no one is planning to eat him. I hear he has a girlfriend.)


  1. Ian and I were wondering if that turkey is Marty or Will ??

  2. Ha! Great cinquain! 'Gobble?' cracks me up :)

  3. Christine: There was only one turkey in the pen when I shot those photos, so it must've been Will. I believe Marty died of natural causes before Will left for the farm. (And last time I posted a photo of him, people were very concerned about whether he'd become Thanksgiving dinner - hence the explanation.)

  4. I like this, too. I can't wait to show my tots the picture of a "real" turkey. Thanks for hosting PPT!

  5. Your cinquain is hilarious! I especially like the 'Gobble?' at the end.

    Perfectly Poetical Tuesdays are a great idea. Thanks!

  6. This was my first one, I am glad I picked a pretty easy one (or so I thought until I had to actually write it!!)
    I loved your picture of your turkey!!
    Thanks for hosting!

  7. This was also my first time participating in PerPoTues & I found it perfectly delightful! Thanks for hosting! And I love your Thanksgiving cinquain - gobble is exactly what I will be doing with a big plate of food 2 weeks from tomorrow, but who's counting?

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