I said I wasn't going to let photos (or lack thereof) hold me up anymore. But I did. I've got some fun pics of our Flagstaff trip to show you, but just haven't gotten them together yet.
Today I'm not posting pictures, though.
In fact, I think the only ones I've taken this week were with a friend's camera. I was little surprised when he handed it to me there in the hospital room and asked if I would get photos of everyone.
At first, I thought he just wanted to remember all the people who were crammed into the room - his parents, a neighbor, some friends I knew, some I didn't. Of course, he and his wife were in the center of it all. And, of course, the baby wasn't. Her little heart had stopped just two weeks before her due date. Her still body had been delivered the day before. And so the crowded room - with chatting and hugs and tears so close to falling and laughter breaking through - it still felt a little empty.
As I snapped photos, I listened to the conversations swirling around me about life and loss and God's goodness through deep sorrow. And I started to think that maybe there's another reason for the pictures. Maybe they're a reminder, a testimony, an altar of sorts. Maybe they say this is when things were so hard and when God carried us through.
Maybe they're not so much about the people that came to the hospital that night or the little one who left so suddenly, but about the God who was always - is always - with them.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The pictures.
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7:07 PM
4 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: faith, grief
Sunday, August 16, 2009
What a wonderful world
The Hubs and I are up in Flagstaff visiting them now. We're having a great time exploring the town and talking wedding plans. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend too!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Perfectly Poetical: Haiku
Well, hello there! Welcome to August's Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (PerPoTues)!
- Current poetic style: Haiku - Yesterday's post explains how to play along.
- Up next: Ode - We're gonna simplify this down. Write a rhyming tribute to someone or something.
- Next PerPoTues: September 8.
- Want an email reminder? Just let me know! (I forgot to send the reminder last time - sorry! But next month I have a reminder for the reminder on my calendar.)

[My haiku, "Sun"]
Blazing summer sun
Saps your strength; shows no mercy
Shadows are no match.
Photo and poem by me.
Posted at
12:00 AM
6 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Monday, August 10, 2009
Know what tomorrow is?
Perfectly Poetical Tuesday!
Yeah, already!
And this month's style is haiku. So, don't stress. Let's be all zen about this, 'cuz you've probably written a haiku before. It's a beautiful and simple form.
As a refresher, a haiku (in English)...
- has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line and 5 in the last line.
- doesn't have to rhyme.
Hope to see you then!
Haiku #1 by Photoportunity
Posted at
7:28 AM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Traveling with children
I realized I've read some good posts about traveling with kids that I hadn't shared with you yet.
First of all, there's Every Last Thing I Know about Traveling with Kids. Since the "I" in the title is down-to-earth domestic diva Shannon of Rocks in my Dryer, "Every Last Thing I Know" is sayin somethin'! (On the other hand, if I were to have written that post, it would've started out "Bring snacks. Don't lose the kids." and then I think it would've been done.) All that to say: very worth the read.
Also, on that not-losing-the-kid point, Kay Green of My Precious Kid wrote an article on Vacation Safety that would also apply to a trip to the zoo, waterpark, etc. in your own town. She focuses on how to prepare ahead of time in case you and your child get separated, and what to do if that should happen.
More specific to babies and toddlers, Olga Nguyen writes about things to keep in mind when it comes to Babywearing and Traveling and how, oftentimes, a baby carrier is easier to travel with than a stroller.
Finally, in case you missed them the first time around, here are a couple previous posts about traveling and kids:
Photo by woodleywonderworks
Posted at
11:39 AM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: kids, Traveling