We had fun with Perfectly Poetical Tuesdays in April, didn't we? Too much fun, I think, to quit there. So....
Perfectly Poetical Tuesday is now a monthly event, and you're invited to join in!
About Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (a.k.a. PerPoTues):
- Hosted the second Tuesday of the month at The Little Stuff of Life.
- Each PerPoTues features a different poetic theme - either an actual poetic form (i.e. limerick) or poems in the style of a famous poet (i.e. Dr. Seuss).
- You don't have to follow poetic forms to the letter. As long as your poem somewhat resembles the theme, no worries! That's why they call it poetic license, right?
- Each PerPoTues, I'll announce the theme for the next one.
- The topic/subject matter of your poem is up to you. (Just please keep it family-friendly, as we do have kids that participate with their parents.)
- Write a poem in today's theme/style (announced the previous Perfectly Poetical Tuesday).
- Create an original work on your own or get the kids/family involved. (Beyond that, please do not post another person's poem. Email stephanie [at] boldavenue [dot] com if you have questions about this.)
- Link from your post to today's PerPoTues post.
- Buttons are optional. But cool.
- Visit today's PerPoTues post, leave your link and a comment.
Coming up:
May 12 - your choice! Maybe you missed out on the acrostic, limerick or Dr. Seuss poem in April and would like to write one this time around. Maybe you want to write a poem and don't want to worry about following a particular form. This one's up to you!June 9- epic poem. More on thatnext week!here!
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