Thursday, January 1, 2009

New again

Maybe it's an arbitrary thing, this New Year's Day. There are other calendar systems out there that have other beginnings. But I love the feeling of a fresh start, so I'll take it.

This blog has a new look, and there are more changes to come. You'll hear more about all that later.

For now, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for...well...for just being there over this past year. Thank you for all the caring and insightful comments. For reading even when you don't comment. For laughing and crying with me. For the support and encouragement. For your patience as I still have SO much to learn.

May this be a beautiful year for each of you. May you receive the kindness you have so freely given. May the days ahead be full of friends and family and laughter starts.


  1. this is LOVELY! great work on the new look!

    happy, happy new year my friend. i'm especially grateful for you. :)

  2. And may it be a beautiful new year for you, too!! So glad we have gotten to know each other this year. Blessings!


What do you have to say about that?