Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nursing in public (sort of)

Can you see the teeny baby kittens?


Photos by me. (Just call me the kitty pawpawrazzi.) | More Wordless Wednesday.


  1. It was difficult, but I did see them...a mother's love is universal!

  2. How fun! Kittens! Is that outside your house and is that a bowl of water that you left out for the Momma? How kind of you!

  3. talk about discreet. I can't tell even with you telling me.

  4. June: Mama cat kept those tiny kitties safetly tucked underneath her most of the time, but they were so cute I had to at least try to share it!

    Liz: Yep, one of the neighborhood cats decided to have kittens between the house and a/c unit. And my sweet hubby brought them some water. :)


What do you have to say about that?