I guess I needed a break. I didn't realize it. But then all the sudden I wasn't posting anything here.
So...sorry about the sudden disappearance.
I have some ideas for future posts. I want to start up again. But not quite yet. I still feel kinda burned out. And there are lots of things I'm figuring out right now with work...and life in general.
Hopefully, we can meet back here soon.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Posted at
2:20 PM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: blogging, life
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Facebook status (in clerihew)
My clerihew for Perfectly Poetical Tuesday, complete with silly graphics...
Mark Zuckerberg
Thinks we're all from Suckerberg
'Cuz we trust our info to the monster he's created.
Why do we do it? Well...it's complicated.
Posted at
11:07 PM
2 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: poetry, social media
Perfectly Poetical Tuesday: Clerihew
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From LSL Buttons |
Good morning! It's Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (#PerPoTues), and this month we're exploring the newer poetic form of the Clerihew – where you get four lines to poke fun at someone famous.
How to join in today:
- Write your own clerihew (here's how), post it on your blog* and include a link back to this post.
- Stop back by, link up and leave a comment.
- Follow the other links and read some great poetry!
Next PerPoTues will be August 10. The style will be Septet. Check back next week for more information on that (7/20).
For now, link on up! I can wait to read some clerihews! (Mine will be up later today.)
Posted at
5:54 AM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Birthday free stuff in Phoenix
Stop me if you've heard this one before. I sure thought I already did a post with birthday freebies, but I can't seem to find it. So when people ask me about fun free stuff to do on their birthday, I just keep sending out the same email with this list I gathered from a few different sources (see below for the two main ones). Thought I'd just go ahead and post the info here instead.
Many of these are Phoenix-area-specific, but maybe local business in your area offer something similar. It's worth asking!
Also, as far as I know, this information is accurate. Of course, businesses can change things at anytime.
(Just show your driver's license or other ID with your birthday on it.)
- Liberty Market, Joe's Real BBQ and Joe's Farm Grill each offer a $10 meal voucher on your birthday (can only be used that day). You can even go to all three! This is known as the Birthday Trifecta.
- Krispy Kreme - Dozen original glazed doughnuts. (Locations.)
- Harkins Theatres - Free bag of popcorn for customers. (Locations.) I couldn't find anywhere that still offered free movies on your birthday.

Free Meal:
- Black Angus - Sign up for the BA Prime Club, and they will email you a coupon when your birthday is coming up for a free steak dinner with purchase of another entree.
- Z'Tejas - Sign up and receive a $15 coupon.
- Genghis Grill - Sign up for their "Build Your Own Birthday" Program, and they will email you a coupon for one free bowl of stir fry.
- Cold Stone Creamery - Kids and adults can join the birthday club, and then print the coupon from your online account. Free ice-cream coupon can be redeemed seven days before or after your birthday.
- Jack in the Box - Print this coupon for a free dessert on your birthday.
- Baskin Robbins - Join the BR Birthday Club for a free scoop of ice cream on your birthday. (They will email you coupons for your free ice cream and a discount on cake 5 days before your birthday.)
- Sonic Drive-In - Sign up and receive a free treat (i.e. slush, tater tots, drink) on your birthday.
- Sundrops Nail Spot - Join the online club and receive a mini manicure on your birthday. Includes cuticle treatment, nail shaping and polish. Located: 3949 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.
- Sephora - Sign up as a Beauty Insider and receive a free lip gloss trio. Stop by a Sephora store to redeem. In-store locations (i.e. Sephora inside JC Penney at Tempe Marketplace) may not participate.
Photos by D Sharon Pruitt, Pink Sherbet Photography.
Posted at
11:44 AM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: activities, free
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
What is a clerihew?
A clerihew is an awesome poetic form. Here is why:
- You get to be snarky.
- It's only four lines.
- Irregular/awkward meter and line length is encouraged.
The first two lines rhyme, and the last two lines rhyme (aabb).
Sound like fun? Get your snarkiness out in poetic form, and link up on Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (#PerPoTues) July 12.
More clerihew info and inspiration:
- The Word of the Day is clerihew.
- Clerihew on Wikipedia (examples)
- The Media Drome: Clerihew
- How to Write a Clerihew Poem
Poem/illustration by mr lynch. Here's another one from him, but it was over my head.
Posted at
4:34 PM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A quick update
I'm going to have to postpone the aforementioned "What is a clerihew?" post a day or two. Or three.
I really wanted to get it up today, but I'm still kind of recovering from the emotional drain that was last week plus three migraines in six days plus work has gotten even busier. I say that not to complain, but just so you know where I'm at. (Some of you wonder.) And so that you know that I haven't forgotten about you - or poetry - and I'll be checking back in soon.
Posted at
9:48 PM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: life, poetry
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The things you could never plan for
There are events we anticipate, plan for, prepare for in advance – maybe days or weeks or months ahead of time. And then there are the other things that come up unexpectedly and cannot be ignored. They are suddenly there, in front of you, leaving you gasping for air with no choice but to stop and rearrange your life as best you can, or, rather, watch as your life rearranges itself before your eyes.
This Saturday, a friend of my family, who we've known since he was just a kid, will be getting married. The invitations went out weeks ago. Ours mistakenly went to my parents-in-law (the Hubs was named after his dad), but, eventually, it made its way to us – hand-delivered by my father-in-law on his way home from work – and we all had a good laugh about the mix up.
But news doesn't always come in carefully selected stationery. Sometimes it's too urgent. I received a text earlier this week telling me that some of my parents' closest friends, friends from another part of their life, who I've known as long as I can remember because they were friends before I was born, just lost their youngest son. I haven't seen him in years, but we all used to play together as kids. He was about the same age as my younger brother – so, mid-twenties. And now he's gone. And I can't imagine what his parents and siblings are going through.My parents will have house guests this week – one here for the funeral and the other here for the wedding. I went over the other night to help them get ready and brought dinner, because I didn't know what else to do. I guess it doesn't matter what life throws at you – people still need to eat and something always needs cleaning. And, during times like these, we all just take care of each other the best we can. Isn't that what everyone does?
Today, it was a voicemail. Mom's voice was steady, but something told me that when she said "call me back," she meant it. Over the phone, she delivered the news that her Uncle Bud just passed away. When her voice started to waver, we talked about something else. And then we went out to lunch. There's just too much going on right now to process it all. But people still need to eat.
As I was typing this, the Hubs finished his take-home exam for seminary. He came down with a big grin on his face and announced, "One class down, only 23 to go!" (only! 23!)
For now, we have I have my evenings with him back. And on Saturday, we will dress up and go to a funeral in the morning and a wedding in the afternoon. Mom will be checking on flights to Colorado. Everyone will still need to eat, and we'll all just keep cooking and cleaning and working and planning and dealing with the things you could never plan for. And, of course, taking care of each other the best we can.
Posted at
10:09 PM
4 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: family, food and recipes, friends, grief, life, love, seminary, wedding stuff
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Amazing What You Learn - in triolet form
Earlier this week, I tweeted "Amazing what you can learn when you ask!" Then I thought "hmmm...that may be a good beginning for a triolet this Perfectly Poetical Tuesday! And here it is...
Amazing What You Learn
Amazing what you learn when you just ask –
Things you never thought you'd know!
Find out facts or get help with a task –
Amazing! What you learn when you just ask
Also might be more than you wanted to unmask
About someone's health or life or personal info.
(Amazing what you learn when you just ask,
Things you never thought you'd know.)
Posted at
5:37 PM
2 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Perfectly Poetical: Triolet
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From LSL Buttons |
So here it is: June's Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (PerPoTues) with the theme of Triolet.
How to join in today:
- Write your own triolet, post it on your blog and include a link back to this post.
- Stop back by, link up and leave a comment.
- Follow the other links and read some great poetry!
A few other notes:
- My poem post is scheduled to show up after this one.
- If you're spreading the word via Twitter, feel free to use hashtag #perpotues.
- If you don't have a blog, you can post in the comments here and skip the linking part. :)
For now, on with the triolets!
Posted at
12:00 AM
3 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Monday, June 7, 2010
On the menu: getting hooked
Last week's cooking ahead experiment was a huge success! Sunday afternoon I made a plan, organized my ingredients, went to work...and then cleaned up the giant mess I made. During the week, I had minimal meal prep - and less cleanup, as well! I think I'm hooked.

So, on the menu for this week...
Monday: Quinoa casserole (trying a new recipe with quinoa, carrots, onions, mushrooms, corn, black beans and vegetable broth)
(Perfectly Poetical) Tuesday: Cilantro chicken with rice and fruit salad
Wednesday: Rodeo stew
Thursday: White Bean and Tuna Panzanella with veggies
Friday: most likely heading to an Ignite Phoenix viewing party and eating there.
Friday evening I made vegetable broth, the quinoa casserole and the sauce for the cilantro chicken. I had already made (and froze) a couple batches of rodeo stew as part of last week's cooking frenzy. Thursday's panzanella is really simple to throw together.
And, just like that, we're ready for the week.
Posted at
7:00 AM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: food and recipes, organizing
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Celebrating beginnings
Yesterday was the last day of the Hubs's first seminary class. All he has left to do is a take-home test.
Then he'll be taking the summer off and is planning to hit the books again this fall.
And, I'm sure there will be plenty of books to hit. There definitely were this quarter!
Yesterday also marked 7 years since our first date. (7 years!) We went out last night - nothing fancy, just burgers and movie - but we had a great time.
And we have a lot to celebrate.
Yep, photos by me. Including the grainy one I took of the Hubs yesterday without enough light. Oh well.
Posted at
5:40 PM
2 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: hooray, marriage, seminary
Sunday, May 30, 2010
On the menu: cooking ahead
I did some serious cooking today, friends.
But before that, I mapped out a menu plan for the next couple weeks. Here's what's up this week...
Mon: Barbecue at my cousin's house
Tue: Cheese and basil polenta with tomato-basil sauce (which I didn't get around to making before). Green salad on the side.
Wed: Salad greens with cucumbers and mushrooms, topped with cranberry-walnut-marinated chicken and Parmesan cheese. Maybe a little olive oil for dressing.
Thr: Empanadas (Did I mention we got them practically perfect last time? Wondering if they'll be just as good this time.) Rice on the side.
Fri: winging it
This afternoon I made cabbage slaw (that's what my cousin requested I bring to the family get-together tomorrow); the polenta (which is ready to go in the oven) and the empanada filling (which just needs to be put into a pie crust, folded over and popped in the oven at the same time) are chilling in the fridge; I cooked the chicken for Wednesday's salad; and I made a couple big batches of rodeo stew. (One for next week; another one for whenever.) I don't think I've ever prepped that much food in advance. I'm kinda proud of myself. So even if my week is really tiring, dinner each night is already almost ready. It's a good feeling.
How about you? Do you have a menu plan you'd like to share?
Posted at
11:50 PM
3 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: being prepared, food and recipes
Friday, May 28, 2010
Questions about food: natural peanut butter
As the title would suggest, I have some questions about food. So I'm starting a little series, just in case you know the answers. (Ok, so far, I have two questions in mind, but that still counts as a series, right?)
So, first up: natural peanut butter. The Hubs and I recently bought a jar of natural, nothing-but-roasted-peanuts-and-salt kind of peanut butter.
We kept it in the fridge and stirred it before using it. It tasted pretty good, but the consistency was weird. It started out runny and gross-looking. Then, near the bottom of the jar, it got all clumpy. It was hard to get out of the jar and a little tricky to spread.
What's that about? Did we not stir it enough each time? Is natural peanut butter always like that? Is it just the brand (in this case, Trader Joe's)?
We actually just bought another jar, because we wanted to give it one more chance. But, this time, we want to get it right!
What do you know about natural peanut butter?
Photo by amanky.
Posted at
7:00 AM
7 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: food and recipes, questions about...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What We Found at the Library: Prayer and thankfulness
It's been awhile since I've had assigned reading. And then, this spring, there were three books (not including poetry) that I was supposed to be reading at once. Not for a grade. And not exactly mandatory. But still.
It started when I signed up for a book club through the women's ministry at my church. You pick a topic/book from a list (as well as a second and third choice - just in case), and they put you in a group with 5-7 other women who chose the same thing.
Right about the time I heard back which book club I'd be in (topic: gratitude) and that we'd be starting right away, my small group leader decided we should discuss a book at our twice-a-month meetings.
Not long after that a third book came my way, but that is another story for another What We Found. Suffice it to say, it was all a little overwhelming.
So even though the Hubs and I try to avoid buying many new books, we found ourselves purchasing Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy for my book club and A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World for our small group the same week. (We actually couldn't find them in the library.)
In the end, it was really neat to be reading Choosing Gratitude and A Praying Life at the same time. The topics meshed together beautifully: giving thanks in all things and praying continually. Being thankful for what you have and praying for what you need. Expressing gratitude for others and lifting them up in prayer. Sometimes I have trouble remembering what I read where.
Both books were honest, insightful, practical and focused on the deep-rooted attitudes behind our actions, rather than just overwhelming you with a big checklist of Things You Must Do.
I recommend reading them both. Maybe even at the same time - or at least one after the other. My book club has even talked about reading A Praying Life in the near future.
What books have you found at the library - or your local bookstore - lately?
Posted at
7:00 AM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: books, gratitude, prayer, what we found at the library
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Mystery of the Disappearing Kittens
Because I know some of you will wonder, here's the stray cat update. We went outside one day last week, and they were gone. No sign of Grizzly Bear or the kittens anywhere. We think maybe when the air conditioning went on, it scared them away.
You'd think I'd be glad about that. But, really, I'm not.
Posted at
7:00 AM
3 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: animals, pre-pre-baby stuff
Thursday, May 20, 2010
As I recall...
Seems like there have been a lot of recalls the last few years, doesn't it? If it's not tainted peanut butter or questionable produce, it's lead-paint laden toys or faulty baby slings.
In fact, March's SlingRider recall prompted one baby carrier manufacturer to take a look at the numbers and create this sweet infographic* illustrating which baby products were recalled from January 2009 through April 2010.
(*P.S. Dontcha just love infographics?! Numbers are so much better when they have pictures to go along with them.)
Posted at
7:00 AM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: babies, baby carriers, health and safety, recalls, to buy or not to buy, toys
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What is a triolet?
As I mentioned last week, the style for the next PerPoTues will be Triolet.
This is new to me, too. The fun thing about this poetic form is that it includes a couple of lines that repeat. So, although it technically only has eight lines, you really only have to come up with five.
Here's the line-by-line break down. It helped me to color code it, and, hopefully, this makes sense to you too...
line 1: Come up with something that bears repeating!
line 2: Come up with something else.
line 3: Rhymes with line 1.
line 4: Repeat line 1.
line 5: Rhymes with line 1.
line 6: Rhymes with line 2.
line 7: Repeat line 1.
line 8: Repeat line 2.
So the rhyme scheme you end up with is ABaAabAB (capital letters are repeated lines).
Information and examples:
- The MediaDrome: Triolet is where I discovered the form
- About.com has a clear, concise explanation with history and links to examples
- Poetry Form - the Triolet despite the unfortunate font choice, this page has some good tips on how to come up with a triolet
Photo by Candida.Performa. I thought it was a good fit because of the title ("Triolet Rouge") – and because of the repeating lines. Get it? Stripes? And poetic repetition? Repeating lines? Nevermind.
Posted at
7:00 AM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: poetry
Monday, May 17, 2010
A stray cat had kittens in our backyard.
In case you're thinking, "Didn't that happen before?" The answer is yes. Different cat, same problem.
There is a whole feral cat community that lives in our neighborhood. The Hubs and our neighbor Danny recognize them all, occasionally feed them (the Hubs secretly sneaks them food because he knows I disapprove, but he always ends up confessing later on), worry about them during the hot summers, and discuss whether there's an organization that (as rumored) will come pick up stray cats and get them fixed. Danny has also given most of them crazy names like "Cowboy" and "Orangey" (not to be confused with either of the two Orangey Juniors).
Whenever we see a cat in our backyard, we chase it out with water. So why a certain brownish feline named Grizzly Bear (incidentally, the sister of Polar Bear, who is all white except for her gray nose) decided to have her litter in between our wall and some bicycle tires is beyond me.
But here's where it gets really weird: I'm suddenly really attached to these kittens. Yeah, me. Ms. Just-Leave-the-Cats-Alone! I really wanna keep one. Which is ridiculous for several reasons, such as the fact that our landlord said no pets. And I'm allergic to cats.
They're just so tiny and cute. Teensy little bundles of adorable. And I want to take care of all of them.
Even though (supposedly) I'm a dog person.
Photos: I took the first two photos, and the Hubs took the last one.
Posted at
7:00 AM
4 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: animals, pre-pre-baby stuff
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Life in poetry (or is it poetry in life?)
The first time I read Making Food. Eating Food's "bear with me" post, I was impressed with the way the writing just flowed so beautifully. When I happened back by later, I found a poem nestled within the paragraphs.
So this is my PerPoTues Found Poetry entry. The original writing is by Chanelle Richardson; I just poemized it.
you might be familiar with it.
the way it
changes everything,
sneaking around corners
with the unexpected–
sometimes even
with delightful surprises.
never predictable,
always crazy–
crazy good–
but crazy nonetheless.
oh, life.
Posted at
8:00 AM
2 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: life, perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Perfectly Poetical: Found Poetry
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From LSL Buttons |
Welcome to May's edition of Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (PerPoTues)! The second Tuesday of each month I invite you to write a poem based on a certain style, because I believe that every life writes a poem.
This time our theme is Found Poetry.
How to join in today:
- Find an excerpt from an article, text on a street sign, a quote from someone famous or other printed matter that's not a poem – and make it into one! Post it on your blog and include a link back to this post.
- Stop back by, link up and leave a comment.
- Follow the other links and read some great poetry!
A few other notes:
- My poem post is scheduled to show up after this one.
- If you're spreading the word via Twitter, feel free to use hashtag #perpotues.
- If you don't have a blog, you can post in the comments here and skip the linking part. :)
In the meantime, enjoy some poetry!
UPDATE: I don't know what's up with Mr. Linky, but feel free to just post the link to your Found Poem in the comments. Thanks!
Posted at
12:00 AM
2 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Sunday, May 9, 2010
On the menu: conveniently vegetarian
There are people who are vegetarian for health reasons. And others who are vegetarian for ethical reasons.
And then there's us. My current menu plan is mostly vegetarian, but the reasons are not so lofty. I won't bore you with the details, but it had to do with grocery shopping and sales and new recipes and...yeah.
Basically, it just works out better for us this week.

More specifically, here's what's on the menu:
M: Chili with lentils and Peruvian beans
T: Pan-roasted chicken with potatoes and balsamic vinegar
W: Cheese and basil polenta with tomato-basil sauce
Th: Potato curry (with tofu)
F: Pizza (at a friend's graduation party)

That's the other thing I needed to tell you about: polenta! I've never made polenta. But my great-grandma used to make something called cornmeal mush, which I've since learned is basically the same thing. I don't remember what brought that memory to mind awhile back, but, ever since then, I've been convinced I absolutely must make it.
The dish above with cheese and tomato sauce, however, is nothing like what I remember Grandma J making. That's okay, though, because I plan to continue experimenting with polenta/mush over the next few weeks. In the meantime, the recipe I chose sounded delicious, and I can make it on Tuesday, so that all I have to do on my busy Wednesday is pop it in the oven.
Basically, it just works out better for us this week.
P.S. I just realized I didn't note the side dishes. Sometimes I plan out main dishes only, knowing that I have simple sides on hand. Then I pull out some fruit salad or heat up corn or toss lettuce and tomatoes together while I'm fixing the entree.
Photos by me. In case you're wondering, the "palenta" came from my favorite Middle Eastern market and was imported from Bosnia (hence the non-English text). I just happened across it while I shopping.
Posted at
11:00 PM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: food and recipes, life
Friday, April 30, 2010
Have you found poetry?
Because April is National Poetry Month and because the next PerPoTues is about Found Poetry, I've been more aware of little poetic snippets hidden in the every day - even in parking lots.
Between signs
By order of
Fire marshall
Does that sound a little like poetry to you?
What about this recipe excerpt?
one inch thick
or pork rib chops,
cut thicker.
Chopped sweet peppers:
green or red or yellow.
2 minced cloves garlic
2 bay leaves
crushed dried oregano
olive oil or cooking oil
Sliced pitted ripe olives
Snipped fresh parsley
Place chops on broiler pan.
Broil 3 inches from heat.
Turn once; broil until done.

For inspiration, here are a couple of my faves from foundpoetry.wordpress.com. Their poems are much more expertly constructed than my first attempts above! :)
To learn more about what Found Poetry is, there is a great article on Poets.org.
What about you? Are you noticing more poetry in the world around you?
Photos by:
1) catbagan
2) Polkaroo
Posted at
8:12 AM
3 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: food and recipes, life, poetry
Thursday, April 29, 2010
What We Found at the Library: Poetry
Even though I'm kind of already in the middle of three different books, I grabbed a few poetry books off the shelf in honor of National Poetry Month and took an occasional poetry break.
So, here's what I found in our library...
In Spanish:
In English: A Murmur in the Trees (nature poems by Emily Dickinson)
I'll leave you with one of her more familiar poems, which seems particularly apropos in this era of follower counts, social networking and (ahem) blogging...
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you–Nobody–Too?
Then there's a pair of us?
Don't tell! they'd advertise–you know!
How dreary–to be–Somebody!
How public–like a Frog–
To tell one's name–the livelong June–
To an admiring Bog!
Posted at
7:23 AM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: nature, poetry, what we found at the library
Sunday, April 18, 2010
On the menu: planning better
Since my last menu plan posts, I've learned some things about meal planning. That time, I planned two weeks at once - and then ran into some glitches.
1. Underestimating amounts.
There were a couple times I ran out of ingredients I'd planned on having for a dish later in the week. And I didn't want to be running off to the store all the time.
For example, I wanted to make a cucumber yogurt side dish. Then we ate most of the plain yogurt as a snack with fresh fruit and honey. It was reeeally good. But it messed with my plan. In the end, I sliced the cukes, some tomatoes and some of our mint, then drizzled my homemade Italian dressing over the top. That was good too. But still. It's the principle of the thing. I need to figure out how to account for snacks, etc. when I come up with my plan.2. Overestimating my energy level.
Some days I'm pretty tired out by dinnertime. (I think it's a combination of the stress of running a business - plus all the tiredness-causing allergy meds.) And the thought of trying a new recipe can seem like more work than I'm up for.
I need to make sure to plan several easy meals and limit the number of new things I'm trying. That way, if I was going to try a new dish on Tuesday, but I'm drained after an afternoon of client meetings, I can just pop the chicken and rice I was planning for Wednesday in the oven instead.
Sometimes the Hubs steps in and takes over. (He made the empanadas I had planned, and the process turned out to be quicker and easier than it looked. Also? They were delish!) But now that he's going back to school, he's just not going to have as much time for that sort of thing.
With that in mind, here's the basic plan for this week (still figuring out some of the details)...
Mon: I'm making Moroccan Lamb Salad With Carrots and Mint, only I'll be using leftover pork instead. Which probably wouldn't make most Moroccans happy. Shhh...don't tell.
Tue: Pesto chicken and maybe some pasta.
Wed: Gonna try out that empanada recipe - with extra veggies in the filling.
Thr: Lentils.
Fri: Tilapia and rice.
What about you? Anything delicious planned this week? You can link up at Mindful Menus.
Posted at
6:00 PM
3 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: food and recipes, life, organizing, pre-pre-baby stuff
Friday, April 16, 2010
First day of school
Tomorrow the Hubs starts a seminary class.
Before I continue, I know that some of you who know us in real life may not have heard about that. The thing is that, while he was considering this as an option and going through the application process, he told very, very few people. He wanted to know it was a sure thing first. I guess this must be kind of a guy thing, because my dad totally got it. Anyway, then, all of the sudden, he was accepted and ordering books and - boom! - tomorrow he starts.
And, if you know him in real life, you may already know he is very intelligent and a voracious reader and brilliant with languages and gifted at explaining things in just the right way so the light bulb goes on.
He's wanted to go back to school for a long time, and now things have fallen into place. Although he's pursuing a Master's (and I can totally see him as a professor), we're taking things one class at a time. We'll see where it leads.
For now, we're both really excited about him embarking on this journey. And I am so very proud of my Hubs!
Oh, one more thing, he recently signed on to Twitter (as @felipeviajero). So he'll be posting periodic updates on his seminary experience, as well as his adventures on the light rail and other random observations, there.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Is it ironic that my free verse is about taxes?
My free verse for this month's Perfectly Poetical Tuesday....
And Taxes
Tax time. Looking back in time.
Miles traveled, dates recorded, gains and losses.
Somewhere in between lines of tidy numbers
Were acquaintances made, lessons learned,
Breath and blood and tears.
Life flowing unstoppable, unexpected, and (unlike subtraction)
Uncertain with few exceptions - one of which is taxes.
Posted at
7:00 AM
2 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: life, perfectly poetical tuesdays
Perfectly Poetical: Free verse
Happy Poetry Month! There is more poetical fun coming soon, but today let's celebrate with some original poetry!
How to join in Perfectly Poetical Tuesday (PerPoTues) today:
1. Write a poem in free verse, post it on your blog and include a link back to this post.
2. Stop back by, link up (using Mr. Linky) and leave a comment.
3. Follow the other links and read some great poetry!
A few other notes:
- I wrote a free verse poem, but I decided to post it separately. I'll link to it later on.
- If you're spreading the word via Twitter, feel free to use hashtag #perpotues.
- If you don't have a blog, you can post in the comments here and skip the linking part. :)
I'd like to try something different - found poetry! I just learned about this, and I'm excited to give it a try. The idea is to take a text that's not a poem (an excerpt from a magazine article or a politician's speech, for example) and alter it (adding line breaks, maybe reordering a few words or phrases...), so that it reads like one. As Poets.org said, you can think of found poetry as "the literary equivalent of a collage."
To get you started, check out Wikipedia's article. I'll be posting with more information and examples between now and the next PerPoTues on May 10.
Posted at
12:00 AM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: perfectly poetical tuesdays, poetry
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What We Found at the Library
Last time the Hubs was headed to the library, I asked him to bring me back a book.
He brought home How to Shoot and Sell Animal Photos - as a joke. (Plus, who can say no to yawning kittens? Awww...)
He also checked out the book I was actually looking for, Vintage Paper Crafts by Anna Corba.
I was looking for inspiration for bridal shower centerpieces, and I knew I could find it there.
I've checked out Vintage Paper Crafts before. I think I just stumbled across it the first time, and it's come home with me a time or two since then, as well. (Who knows? I may even buy it someday!)
What I love about it is not so much the explanation of paper crafting methods and techniques (it has a fair amount of that too), but the ideas it inspires for collage art, cards, gifts and scrapbooks. Just flipping through it gets my creative synapses firing!
I'll probably never follow a project from the book step by step to completion (even if I did break down and buy it), but it always brings to mind new possibilities.
...And that's what we found at the library!
Posted at
10:00 PM
3 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: art and crafts, books, what we found at the library
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Share your library finds tomorrow!
I don't know how I missed this before, but every month Sarah from This Heavenly Life hosts What We Found at the Library. I'm so excited about this, because there are some books I've been thinking I should tell you about, and this is the perfect occasion!
Sarah's latest picks were children's books that (as you may have guessed) they found at the library. But she confirmed that you can share about whatever it is you're reading – even if it didn't come from the library.
The next What We Found at the Library is April 1. (Nope, not a joke.) I'll be posting what I'm reading, and I'd love to know what you're reading too!
Posted at
6:31 PM
1 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: books, memes, what we found at the library
Monday, March 29, 2010
On the menu: the sequel
Here's the second part of the two-week menu plan I made last week, complete with a pic of my very-messy hand-scrawled original. (It was tricky working around last week's schedule, as evidenced by the scratched out items, arrows, scratched out arrows, etc.)
So here you go...Yeah. Practically indecipherable. Like a secret code. Anyway, here's what it all means (for this week)....
Mon: Garlic chicken with couscous and cucumber yogurt dip
Tue: 10-bean vegetable soup
Wed: Pita pizza
Thr: red bell peppers stuffed with black beans, rice and veggies (*didn't end up making these last week)
Fri: Empanadas
Have a Mindful Menu you'd like to share? Join in!
Posted at
7:36 AM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: food and recipes
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Are baby slings dangerous?
I'm a fan of babywearing. I love how it gives parents a simple, practical way to hold a baby close, while they get things done around the house, shop, take care care of an older child or even head out of town.
So when I heard that there was a big baby sling recall going on, and that the CPSC was advising caution for using slings with infants under four months, I was concerned. I wanted to know what was going on, research what the issue was and find out how far-reaching the problem was. However, Megan at SortaCrunchy saved me the trouble.
She wrote a fabulous post about safe vs. unsafe babywearing. As it turns out, it all depends on what baby carrier you're using and how you're using it.
If you are interested in more information, I would highly recommend checking out her post and the resources she links to.
Photo by zimpenfish.
Posted at
12:33 PM
0 comments on this Little Stuff! Your turn! Categories: babies, baby carriers, health and safety, kids, recalls